Ventura County Medical Center Hospital Replacement Wing

News & Events

BIM Execution Planning (Virtual)

Date: August 5, 2024

Time: 7:00am - 3:00pm

Location: Virtual

Description: DBIA National - BIM Execution Planning.

This course focuses on execution planning for Building Information Modeling (BIM). Different use cases for implementing BIM will be discussed (e.g., authoring the design, cost estimating and 4D modeling), but the course will not focus on how to create any specific model. In other words, this will not be a computer modeling course, but instead focuses on what model content should be developed and shared throughout the project lifecycle, as well as focusing on the process for managing the information flow. (8 CEUs)

At the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Understand the impact of implementing BIM on a design-build project, with a focus on the synergies of design-build and BIM
  • Understand the value of implementing a structured, standard procedure for planning BIM implementation on a project using a collaborative approach
  • Implement the four-step BIM Project Execution Planning procedure on your next project
  • Understand best practices for successfully implementing BIM on a design-build project
  • Assist an owner in the development of BIM needs on your next project

Click here to register online.

Format: Virtual

The DBIA Virtual Training classroom is not an “online” experience, but instead a true “virtual” experience. It allows remote attendees a real-time participant experience, fully engaged with their instructor and others in the classroom. Full engagement is critical As such, the following is required for those joining the classroom virtually:

  • You MUST have video/camera capability on the computer you will be using;
  • You MUST keep your video/camera on during the entirety of the training (you may turn it off during breaks and lunch). Each participant is expected to be visible as a class participant throughout the training, just as it would be if you were physically in the classroom;
  • Please find a quiet location that will have minimal distractions/disturbances;
  • Please Mute your microphone when you are not speaking; and
  • Remain in the virtual classroom during class activities as they, too, will take place virtually and you are expected to participate.

DBIA instructors and staff will actively monitor your attendance and reserve to right to decline issuance of a certificate of completion should virtual attendees not actively participate based on the rules above.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact

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