Ventura County Medical Center Hospital Replacement Wing

News & Events

YP Event (LA/OC)

Date: May 17, 2023.   (Originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 22, 2023)

Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Location: Fountain Valley, CA

Description: DBIA-WPR LA/OC Chapter Event, MASS TIMBER JOB SITE WALK WITH SWINERTON.  Join DBIA-WPR LA/OC Chapter for a Site Walk. Take a deeper dive into what it takes to build a mass timber project and see the spectacular work that has been complete thus far on a guided tour by Ryan Walker with Swinerton of their Facility for the Orange County Sanitation District. Please make sure to bring PPE (Hard Hat, Vest, Safety Glasses, Boots) For anyone who would like to hang out after, some of us will be staying in the area to grab a bite to eat.

Click here to register online.          Click here for event flyer.  


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